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Feb 15, 20215 min read
Social media so boring. Why is it still so addictive? (N.B. I mostly exempt Twitter from this critique of social media, because at least...

Feb 8, 20213 min read
Most Of vs The Most
"Most" confuses people, because it has two meanings. First, it can mean "more than 50% of [something]", as in "most of my jelly beans are...

Jan 20, 20212 min read
P≠NP In Your Mind
One of the biggest open problems in computer science is the question of whether "P=NP" is true. Simply put, it is something like asking:...

Nov 16, 20202 min read
An Analogy for The Mind
It occurred to me this morning, and I thought it might be worth writing down, to add to the canon of bad metaphors for the mind and...

Sep 7, 20208 min read
The Default State
(2000 words, 7-8 minutes to read) My Beautiful Bubble (MBB) is skeptical about claims that X, Y, Z activities can “rewire your brain” in...

Jun 20, 20202 min read
Of Two Minds (Poem)
A kind of madness overtakes my brain, Distracting me, in every waking hour. I feel it ever pulling me in twain; My greatest weakness,...

Apr 10, 20202 min read
“True Story”
I’ve been interested in the ways in which stories can be interesting and informative, even if they are not literally true. That is, maybe...

Mar 4, 20203 min read
A Dialogue on Occam’s Razor
Previously: Please Stop Misunderstanding Occam’s Razor. What is Occam’s Razor? It is an academic principle attributed to 14th Century...

Feb 15, 20206 min read
The True Story of Socrates
(1400 words, 5 minutes to read) Almost every introductory philosophy class reads a few of the Socratic Dialogues, written by Plato. These...

Dec 23, 20194 min read
I’ve been thinking a lot about honesty lately. This is in part because I’ve recently moved significantly towards an “honesty all the...
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